SHINE program 2019 : Sports & Health International Network for Education
Venue: at Chiba University, Japan
Period of activities: March 11-19, 2019
Program: This program includes sports activities, physical checkup, scientific experiment and visit high school and science museum and so on.
Scholarship : JPY 80,000 /student
Expenses: Student are responsible for the costs (estimated in total JPY 150,000~JPY200,000)
1. Air Ticket
2. Dormitory (JPY20,000- JPY25,000)
3. Meal
4. Transportation
5. Traveler’s Insurance
• KMUTT full-time student
• Proficiency in English communication
• Have broaden technical & scientific knowledge
• Be responsible, healthy, and adaptability
• GPS ≥ 2.75 (Students are required to convert KMUTT GPA to JASSO GPA)
Accepting number of participants: 2 students
Document for applying:
1. Application form (Download here)
2. Academic transcript in English
3. Resume, CV or Portfolio
4. Essay in one A4 page with the topic: “Why should you be selected to join this program?”
How to apply:
1. Fill in Application form and/or other required documents.
2. Submit Application form along with other required documents to your schools/faculties
3. Your department will screen out and submit the application package to KMUTT International Affairs Office (IA)
4. Selection committee will interview, select, and nominate successful candidates to the partner institutions for their final consideration.
5. IA will announce the result to the department and students.
Important Date:
• 11th December 2018 : Deadline to submit the applicant documents at International Affairs Office,
6th floor of President’ Office Building
• 13th December 2018: Announcement of the name list for interview test
• 18th December 2018 : Interview test at 9.30-12.00 pm. The venue will be informed later
For any further information, please contact Ms. Saichon via e-mail (
Tel: 02470 8429
For SIT students, please contact Ms. Kanokwan (email:, IR-SIT section at 2nd floor, SIT Building Tel: 02470 9809